Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You are the Best You With Growth

That headline sums it up pretty well. But maybe the legendary Captain Jean Luc Picard said it even better.

“The potential to make yourself a better man…that is what it is to be Human…to make yourself more than you are.” – Jean-Luc Picard, 2379 (Star Trek Nemesis)

Gene Rodenberry, the creator of Star Trek had an idyllic vision of the future. Currency, as we know it today, doesn’t exist. But neither does poverty, or war… amongst humanity anyway. The human race has achieved higher sensibilities and is using their technological advances to gain more knowledge and make more of themselves.

The real world kind of sucks, though. Those that listen to the news are privy to the raging fire that is the modern world. Those that don’t listen to the news…I don’t blame you. The war in Syria, the impact of the NSA leaks, the bi-partisan debacle in D.C., the unfortunate radicalism in terrorist cells and how they affect the public image of an otherwise beautiful religion, and a whole lot more. It’s a mess.

But you know what? We should take issue with claims about the world being worse off today than it ever was before. Or those that blame the modern generations for being worse than previous generations. I understand why people could draw that conclusion with all the muck and mire being broadcast. But it’s just not accurate.

We tend to place more importance on negative things we hear in the NEWS. That’s because the human brain is wired to place emphasis on negative things over positive. It makes sense when you think about it. It’s the negative stuff that can get us killed in nature. It takes serious discipline to consider the positive in life.

I’m not advocating that everyone smiles all the time and becomes overly optimistic to the point of denial. But it is important that we pay attention to the things that happen in the world that bring us a step closer to the Gene Rodenberry’s vision of the future. We should embrace progressive people and the ideas and technologies they innovate. In turn, we should consider what our contribution will be.

Most importantly, we should all introspect and think of ways to make ourselves better people as individuals. Peaceful globalization is the responsibility of every human who lives in the global community. As the weeks, months and years go on, we will converse in more detail about this sort of thing.

Now for a little transparency about Rita and me: I’ve been kind of bummed for the last couple of weeks because I have these feelings of activism but I haven’t been acting on them (ironically). After some consideration, we decided it would be good for us, and other people if we volunteered at the Peace Corps. 

It will be a while before that pans out, but our hope is that it will give us a chance to help a slice of humanity hands on, while helping ourselves to experience and gain knowledge about different cultures. During our time in the Peace Corps we intend to keep blogging, making coffee and changing the world (with your help). 

Thank you,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Get Your Fix...Of the Introduction

Rita and I have many of the same aspirations as most young couples.  Marriage, a cozy place to live, financial stability and children.  Though our biggest dream is a little thing we like to call The Fix. 

The Fix is a combination of ideas joining together in a union as fitting as our own.  It is a new humanist movement dedicated to uniting everyone who intends to change the world for the best.  It is also a really fun cafĂ© which serves as a salon for writers, artists, scientists, philosophers or anyone who simply cares about their local and global community. 

For now, The Fix exists only as an idea which will be projected into this blog.  Neither of us really knows the first thing about roasting coffee.  Nor do we really know anything about starting a globalized humanist/humanitarian movement.  These are things we are going to figure out, but we will need your help. Your feedback, your ideas, and your opinions.
In this blog, Rita will document our journey to learn about coffee roasting, make a business plan and eventually starting a business.  I will document the finer points of The Fix movement and explain how most of you are already a part of the movement without even realizing it.

Check us out as we intend to post at least once a week. We look forward to changing the world with you over coffee.


Dan and Rita